Sunday, January 29, 2017

Time Flies when you are busy havin' fun...

We have had a pretty busy and pretty fun few days in the Shay household.  On that same note, my parents (at times) wonder why on earth they even had kids when all 3 of us are whining and crying (and sometimes yelling) at the same time - but I know when they see us smiling and enjoying ourselves they are reminded how awesome of a privilege and blessing we are!  We started our crazy busy fun with Sesame Street Live on Wednesday night - Maggie likes to call it Sesame Street Alive - she's pretty cute sometimes.  Me and Maggie had a great time watching and laughing and movin' and groovin'.... Molly on the other hand, all she wanted to do was walk around and try to find stairs to crawl up (and eat popcorn off the floor).  She sure keeps things interesting. 

Friday night, my school had a Family Fun Night.  It was more like a Crazy Family Night - it was loud and busy and there was a lot going on.  But we ran into some friends from my class who are also Maggie's friends from Bonnie's Daycare.  We had fun dancing and hanging out, and we also ran into my teacher.  She made my mom cry, she shared a letter one of my classmates wrote to my helper at school (as it was Paraprofessional Appreciation Day or something).  It was a letter that read "Thank You for Helpen conner. you are nice to hime. I wish I cud be Hime" (pause for tear). 
This is where my mom says yay for inclusion!

Then, the next exciting thing was more Maggie than me, but to give you a lil background info.... Maggie and my cuz Gracie decided to play barber shop last weekend at my cousin Belle's bday pary, yup, you guessed it, Maggie cut some of her hair herself.  So on Saturday, my mom took her to get all her hair cut.  They left and Maggie said she was  going to go shoulder length, but when she was in the hot spot and asked how she wanted her hair cut, she told the lady "long in the front and really short in the back" ..... so that is what she got.  Maggie loves it, and she got to help out sick kids by donating her hair to Wigs for Kids!  She cut off 12 inches..... My mom had a harder time than Maggie - funny how that works. 


Sunday fun day, we all went to the ski hill in La Crosse.  I got to do my adapted skiing today.  It was sad not getting to do it with my pal Katelyn this year (she is out in Colorado doing adaptive skiing on the big hills), but I still had a good time.  My parents decided to let Maggie in on the fun this time and signed her up for some lessons.  So she was busy while I was busy. Now if only my parents had something for Molly to do.  She had fun watching me for a little while, but then got a lil upset, or tired, or hungry, or it could have been the fact that she was in the process of a blow out - whatever it was, she was not happy the last half hour of my ski day.  She did get to ride in a sled and stand on one of the instructors skis for a short (and slow moving) ride.  But we all did survived the cold and all had a good time!  I of course got fussy when I stopped moving, but as long as my helpers kept me moving and even sang a few songs for me - I was a happy dude.  Maggie did great with her lesson too- she said her favorite part was the rope that took her up the hill really fast but she was bummed she didn't get to ride the ski lift like I got to.

Back to the grind tomorrow, or at least that is what my dad says, I think that means we have to wake up early tomorrow, but I could be wrong.  I do know Maggie is excited to go to school and show off her "new style" as she puts it.  I also got my hair cut this weekend - but it definitely isn't a new style, it's my usual buzz cut (my mom is always sad to see my hair go too - I think if it was up to her we all would be crazy shaggy).  Oh well, another weekend bites the dust. G'night!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Merry Christmas ya Filthy Animal and a Happy New Year

Here is a quick review of our Holiday month..... I say that because of all our Christmas get togethers, it really seems like we celebrate for a month.  But I'm not complainin.  It's pretty sweet if you ask me and I am sure Maggie and Molly would agree.  We love Christmas music, Christmas movies, and Christmas presents!  Hope you and yours had a great time Celebratin as well!

As you can see I did not get my front tooth for Christmas, instead i got a neat new chair.  One that can go high so I can sit at the table with the fam and then it can move down low so I can hang out on the floor when my lil sisters are laying or if we are watchin tv or something.  It's pretty comfy and should last me for-ev-er (my mom ordered it a on the big side because she is thrifty).

Some pics from the Shay Christmas.  Maggie didn't take off her Troll PJs for over 24hrs, and by this Christmas (t was our last one) Molly got pretty good at opening up presents.  In fact, she got her hands on one of the white elephant gifts before the game started.... 

We all got matching PJs from Santa and my mom tried to get a good shot of the 3 of us together....

Hannah came back to visit me during my Reading Under the Start party at school!  I was pretty suprised and my buddy Taylor joined our group! And then we celebrated the Servais Christmas the week before Christmas (during a snow storm) down in Milwaukee because my cus Spencer turned 1! It was a busy but fun weekend - we even managed to fit in an all you can eat breakfast with Santa while we were there - my parents love all you can eat ;)

And we even had some pre Christmas fun, decorating our trees and visiting the lights in La Crosse!  That is where we saw Santa for the first time this year.  I had a chat with Molly ahead of time and told her that Santa is a pretty neat dude and because of that chat, she did great sitting on his lap - no tear.  Just a nice long stare down.

Maggie made her first snowman of the year at Grandma and Grandpa Servais' House (with a lil help from my mom).  And thought I would end with a pic of the whole fam!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

No place like home.....

Better Late Than Never, eh?
I have to say, I don't know where time went, but I can't believe it was just Thanksgiving.  All our big family get togethers and dinners are done.  Then I realized I never posted about our Halloween (and I was pretty cute with my missing tooth and lion costume).  I decided, since I am happy we are home today and done with our travels till Xmas time, so I thought it was fitting to put my Fam's pics from Halloween up, since we went as the crew from the Wizard of Oz.  My parent's (my mom to be exact) hasn't let us watch the actual Wizard of Oz yet, but we got to watch Return to Oz (which is a cartoon and more age appropriate as my mom would say).  Anywho, here's me and the fam!


        Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone! 
Hope everyone had something to be Thankful for, I know I do!
There's No Place Like Home